Self Development


Teaching Smart People How to Learn, by Chris Argyris
What made executive successful up to the point they hit a wall is not necessarily what will lead to success at the next stage. Argyris articulately unpacks “defensive reasoning” that frequently blocks needed learning by driven, successful people.

What Makes a Leader?, by Daniel Goleman
Emotional Intelligence explained.


What got you here won’t get you there, by Marshall Goldsmith
One of my mentors and a famous executive coach, Marshall reveals 20 habits and mindsets that often derail leaders at that key inflection point when they are being asked to take on more responsibility and scale their influence through others. His “Top 20 Stop-doing list” will apply in part to you (if you’re human), and the examples from his coaching practice are easy and entertaining to read.

True North, by Bill George
One of the most successful business leaders, and now a teacher of Leadership at Harvard Business School, Bill shows the proven power of Authenticity in leadership. He maps clearly how one grows in the course of a career from focus on “me” and what “I” do, to a focus on others and what “we” do. He shows how we can accelerate that shift to scale our influence and impact.

Interview with Bill George

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, by Steven Covey
This best-selling classic is a great foundation for personal effectiveness. The chapter on “Seek first to understand before seeking to be understood” is worth the price just by itself.


Emotional Intelligence : Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
by Daniel Goleman. A well researched case base on new knowledge in the realm of brain neuroscience, which reveals the overriding importance of EQ vs. IQ in distinguishing highly effective, successful leaders. Goleman makes the case that emotional intelligence can be learned.


Parts Work, by Tom Holmes
This illustrated book provides and easy kick-starter to begin understanding and mapping out your “Inner Team” of impulses and drivers of your behavior. Becoming more conscious of which of your parts is “in the driver’s seat” of your behavior is the start of Self-Leadership and true executive presence.



Shawn Achor, in his book “The Happiness Advantage” talks about mirror neurons and the contagious power of mood. His research at Harvard and engaging presentation shows “simple practices” that can train your brain for happiness, with remarkable results work. Here is his TED talk:

Vulnerability – Brene Brown, Vulnerability researcher and best-selling author. She makes the case for being vulnerable to access your full range of gifts, and attract followers.